Nathan Cavaleri

If you grew up watching Hey Hey It’s Saturday, then you will definitely know Nathan Cavaleri’s name.

If you didn’t, he’s a blues and rock singer song writer and guitarist who became one of our most successful and wildly famous musicians when he was only 8 years old.

When Nathan was six, he was diagnosed with leukaemia and through the Starlight Foundation, Nathan was granted a wish of getting to meet his guitar hero, Mark Knopfler from Dire Straits. The Today show filmed the meeting and subsequent jam session on the guitar and from there Nathan’s star grew.

Regarded as a child prodigy, Nathan played guitar regularly on Hey Hey It’s Saturday in front of millions of viewers. By the time he was 12, he had toured the world with B.B King (perhaps the most influential blues musician of all time) who once called Nathan “the future of blues”.

With several acclaimed solo albums, collaborations with icons like Diesel and Jimmy Barnes, Nathan has released four albums, Jammin’ with the Cats, Nathan (Credited to Nathan Cavaleri Band), Demons, and Miracles.

Episodes with Nathan Cavaleri

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