Ben Crowe (Pt 1) – Meet Your Inner Fan


Ben Crowe is a huge part of our humble Imperfects history. Ben’s first episode with us in 2021 continues to be one of our most listened to episodes, helping many of you, your friends and your family members.

Ben is back in the Academy of Imperfection (split over two episodes) to spread even more wisdom that he's accrued from decades of working with elite athletes at Nike and now at MojoCrowe. Ben’s mission is simple yet powerful… be a good human-being first and a great athlete second. And the athletes he’s helped reach their peak, including Ash Barty, Andre Agassi and Dustin Martin will attest to the amazing impact his tools can have on all of us. Because it's like Ben says, if you play, have fun and compete… you’re an athlete.

Most of what Ben talks about in this 2-part Academy of Imperfection is available to you via his incredible Mojo Mindset Course and app.

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Written by AI so definitely imperfect

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